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Prague Buddies is a movie I did some years ago, it was very popular indeed, so I am glad that with the new site we are able to present a remastered version of Scene 1, with a host of excellent models. As the scene starts Pavel Korsakov is lighting a torch and starts to run with it, through the woods and along the lakeside until he reaches Jirka Kalvoda, and lights his torch. Whereupon Jirka continues the run. The scene changes to the athletic stadium, with Pavel contesting the pole vault competition, with Jirka looking on as the events take place. He also watches as Pavel is in the shower with another competitor who starts to wash his back. Pavel looks over his shoulder at Jirka. After the shower the guys get into Jirka's car and drive off to an old barn, where there is be an initiation ceremony for Pavel and one other. The guys are required to strip down and jack off, as part of the ceremony. They start to jack of and all the other members of the fraternity take their cocks out and wank too. This is a very atmospheric scene which sets everything up for the rest of the movie very well indeed. I hope you enjoy this remastered version of the scene, with more to come.
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